10 Offline Things I Did This Week
Cold plunging, good subway ads, slowly perusing my local grocery store aisles
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Lots of love!
10 Offline Things I Did This Week
Cold plunge/sauna: I now have access to a sauna, pool, and cold plunge. Here’s the rotation I did: laps in the pool, 10 minutes in the jacuzzi, 20 seconds in the cold plunge, 20 minutes in the dry sauna, 45 seconds in the cold plunge, 15 minutes in the sauna, and a final 1-minute cold plunge. I loved the tingling sensation the cold plunge brings when I toast up in the sauna. I can’t wait to build my tolerance; I know it’s so good for me. One of my fellow plungers told me that it has helped him better withstand NYC’s bitter winter.
Ate a delightfully crispy, buttery, crunchy ham/pistachio/gruyere croissant at Laurel Bakery. Shoutout to my friend
who sent me a beloved V-day card to this local bakery down by the BK waterfront.
Worked on book edits for IF YOU DON’T LIKE THIS, I WILL DIE. It’s crunch time, baby. I am finalizing edits these next few weeks before it goes to the copyeditor then final production before an August 12 official birthday. If I’m quieter on here, that’s why <3
Talked to my sister on the phone. Because, family.
Asked for a Haley Bieber and the manicurist delivered. Though, this was my first time getting gel in years and it’s already peeling after 5 days.
Made another batch of chocolate-dipped peanut butter dates. I make 10-20 of these at a time: Pit a medjool date, slather a little peanut butter in there, then melt 1/2 bar of chocolate with a bit of coconut oil and cacao powder. Roll the stuffed date into the melted chocolate, then pop into the freezer and enjoy your little sweet treat.
Popped a tire in a pothole. East Williamsburg, you have some potholes you need to work on. It didn’t help that it was 12° and I could not feel any resemblance of a fingertip.
Saw this fabulous StreetEasy ad about not leaving New York. I always appreciate it when the ads hit and StreetEasy seems to always deliver.
wake up babe a new streeteasy campaign just dropped it Caught this sunset and felt like I lived in LA again. One thing I miss about LA is the flatness of it, or perhaps the hills of it. Or maybe I was just outside more? I don’t know. Catching sunsets in NYC is not something I do a lot.
Browsed the N/A section of my local grocer. One thing I do love about NYC? Pretty sure we are at the forefront of the N/A beverage scene- every bar, restaurant, and shop I pop into has a plethora of choices, and the spirit section is growing! Of course, I love Ghia but these other ones (which I just oggled, didn’t buy) look equally delicious! Consider making your next grocery store visit less about the checklist and more about the experience. Take your time, wander, and explore—it can be surprisingly calming and even inspiring. Plus, it’s the best way to discover new products. There is something nice about taking your time and getting lost in the aisles.
That’s all for now— have a great week everyone and paid subscribers, I will see you this week for another essay. Don’t forget to “heart” this post if you liked it, it’s a free way for more people to discover my writing.
LOVE a cold plunge / sauna combo. Combined with swimming in a lap pool - what a dream!
I am a HOP WTR fan! It is definitely a seltzer in the vein of LaCroix more than any sort of actual mocktail, but I find the hops make it much more interesting than LaCroix.
I find an evening walk to Domino Park or Bushwick Inlet Park is always a pretty great sunset option, if it's convenient to you. I've been in Williamsburg/Greenpoint for 13 years but I never get bored of the sunset behind the city and the bridges.
I went for a big walk across the Williamsburg Bridge yesterday and it's amazing how a little sunshine and fresh air can cure a person. It's supposed to warm up in the front half of this week, too, so here's to getting outside in New York!